

Find out more about specific software applications by clicking the links below. You will find descriptions of the software, tutorial handouts and videos, links to download 软件等等. Once CHC's Assistive Technology Specialist provides your school login info, you can start using your software right way!

  Vitac库兹韦尔3000 | AVA学习的盟友 | ZoomText | JAWS | MS 365 | OneNote

文档阅读器,说明文字,文字 & 学习技巧




Vitac is a very easy to use state-of-the-art live closed-captioning and scribe-note-taking /为符合条件的SAS学生提供的归因工具. Vitac提供无缝实时 captions, as well as live, interactive transcription of a student's classes. It provides students with a real-time feed of what the teacher or class peers are saying, with note taking abilities through an interactive transcript and more. 学生也可以 access their past class videos with transcripts later at anytime.

Please Visit the CHC Vitac Page for More Information, Demo Videos, Downloads and Tutorials




ava logo

Ava is a Free Closed Captioning Tool and Note-taking App that works on Macs, PC's, 手机和平板电脑. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的AVA资源页面 获取指南、演示、链接和资源.





库兹韦尔3000 is an assistive technology which provides a reading, writing and study platform aimed at people with learning or visual disabilities or other disabilities 这使得阅读或写作变得困难. 库兹韦尔3000可以大声朗读基于web的PDF文件, digital or scanned print material, and can convert web-based, digital or scanned print materials into mp3 files to provide audible files to listen to on the go; use their iOS app on an iPad, or through its companion web app extension, users can use it to read web pages out loud using a Chrome or Firefox browser.

  • 阅读支持
  • 写作的支持
  • Study Skills
  • 理解支持

Watch The Short Demo Video Below to Learn the Key Features & 快速行动!

Quick Guide To 库兹韦尔3000 with Video Demo Links of its Main Tools (PDF file)


免费下载库兹韦尔3000 (Windows)

免费下载库兹韦尔3000 (Mac)

库兹韦尔3000 -链接到 记事的示范, Study Guides, 翻译演示



JAWS logo

JAWS enables people with vision loss to independently use a computer with a keyboard, 语音或盲文显示. With JAWS, students can navigate the Internet, write a document, create spreadsheets and presentations, email correspondence, and much more from their office, remote desktop, terminal servers and from home. 加载ZoomText on all SAS & TSC实验室计算机.

Key Benefits
  • 快速学习导航Windows环境
  • 被翻译成17种语言

Free Trial




学习的盟友 provides digital human-narrated audiobooks & 教科书,在许多 cases, provides not just text, but descriptions of important maps, charts, and diagrams.

Below is a getting started with 学习的盟友 Demo Video:




Join: 学习Ally的大学成功计划

Free for college students who are blind or visually impaired.

As a college student you share many experiences with your sighted classmates, but 其他的对你和你的视力障碍来说是独一无二的. 学习艾丽的大学成功 Program (CSP) gives you the support you need as you navigate your college journey.The CSP is designed to help facilitate educational opportunities. 它完成了这个 through a robust series of free, self-led courses and on-demand resources. 探索他们的 网站了解更多!


Microsoft 365无障碍工具

听写,数字笔记,转录 & 文本到语音

Download the CHC Flyer with Info on your Free Student MS Office 365 Account!

所有CHC学生的Office 365应用程序


OneNote acts as a digital notebook allowing the student to categorize notes into different 章节和主题.
OneNote is your free CHC note-taking software for Windows or Mac, with a companion app for 移动设备. OneNote is aimed toward college students and the software also promotes a more accessible way to take notes for students with disabilities. OneNote提供 a Dictate "Speech to Text" function, as well as a built-in "screen-reader! Like all 365 software, your notes auto-save to your free OneDrive cloud storage account! A key difference between OneNote and basic note-taking solutions is that OneNote can record  audio to your device, splitting the recordings automatically when a pause is detected. 学生可以一边打字一边录音, & 突出重点 录音供以后参考. 学生可以添加幻灯片、图表和“手写” notes on their notes if using a smart pencil and a tablet. 微软OneNote同步 across mobile and desktop devices, in addition to allowing easy sharing between users. Students can add mixed media (audio, video, images, etc.)到他们的笔记上 到高亮和注释.


Live-Captioning & 转录服务

For our students who are deaf or HOH, CHC offers Ai-Live professional captioning for 在线课程讲座. 该服务完全基于网络,易于使用. Afterwards, students can download accurate text transcripts of their meetings and lecture audio too!  (Note: The use of this service is reserved for those who have a demonstrated hearing or physical disability that makes it difficult to hear lectures or take notes.)
学生Ai-Live:  (5分钟阅读)
ai直播视频教程: (3分钟视频)




ZoomText Magnifier/Reader is a fully integrated magnification and reading program 为低视力用户量身定制. 放大镜/读卡器可以放大和放大所有东西 your computer screen, echoes your typing and essential program activity, and automatically 阅读文件、网页、电子邮件. ZoomText在所有SAS上加载 & TSC实验室计算机.

Key Benefits
  • High-definition text that's easy to read at all magnification levels
  • Settings allow you to fine-tune the thickness and spacing of text for added legibility

 Coming Soon!


This category of software assists students who may have difficulty writing math equations by hand. There are many different offerings, so we have created a page here to post 为我们的学生提供的顶级数学应用程序的集合!


免费和低成本辅助工具的总列表 (Word file)

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