

活动的类型决定授权使用地区设施的程序. Authority for use of District facilities is directed by Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 6700.

设施使用办公室 Contact Information

Contact the 设施使用办公室 for questions about these procedures.

San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC)

设施使用办公室: 909-384‐8906

九州体育平台入口 (CHC)

设施使用办公室: 909-389‐3217


设施使用办公室: 909-388‐6958


这些过程根据事件和事件的类型分为四类 请求的来源:

  1. Requests from the 社区 to use District Facilities (Including vendors)
  2. Internal District/Campus Events
  3. District/Campus Sponsored Events
  4. Free Speech Events/Demonstrations

1. Requests from the 社区 to use District Facilities

社区使用地区设施需要签署《九州体育平台入口》. “社区”包括任何个人、企业(包括供应商)、组织、 圣贝纳迪诺社区学院以外的团体、学校或董事会 地区,包括要求使用地区设施的地区雇员 供个人使用. Requests for use can be made using the following procedures:

  • Obtain and fill out the 社区 设施使用 Application.

    一个完整的 社区 设施使用 Application constitutes the contract for use. This form can be obtained through the Campus Facilities 办公室 (see 以上九州体育平台入口).
    设施办公室将核实所需空间的可用性并计算 租金.

  • Provide a Certificate of Insurance:

    A certificate of insurance 是必需的 from the 申请实体,必须将九州体育bet9平台入口列为 additional insured with the limits acceptable to the District as required by Administrative Procedure 6700.

  • 支付租金:

    请与相应的设施办公室联系,了解当前的设施租金(参考) 以上九州体育平台入口). Fees will be calculated by the Facilities 办公室. Fees must be paid with the submission of the 社区 Facility Use Application or upon acceptance of the application. 公平 租金或直接成本费用将按照AP6700现行标准进行评估 利率. Direct costs are the costs of supplies, utilities, custodial services, services 任何其他地区雇员的工资,以及需要支付给地区雇员的工资 by the organization’s use of District facilities. Groups or organizations that qualify to be assessed direct costs are identified in Ed Code 82542(a). 任何授权 偏离AP6700,例如免除费用或代之收取直接成本 的公平租金价值,需要经理和董事会批准之前的批准 事件.
  • 提交:

    将填妥的社区申请表、保险证明和费用付款寄至 the appropriate Facilities Department for processing and approval.

    Incomplete submissions will be returned.

2. Internal District/Campus Events

This section applies to Campus non‐academic 事件s, meetings, or activities.

  • Submit an Online Facility Use Request:
    此在线表格用于安排非课堂活动或会议的设施 在校园. Complete a 设施使用 Request at:
    有关SBVC,请参阅: 行政服务副校长办公室-圣贝纳迪诺山谷学院
    有关CHC,请浏览: 设施使用
    • Complete Facility Use Request forms at least two weeks prior to 事件. 最后一分钟 requests will be approved only for emergencies.
    • 所有信息必须包括在设施使用申请表或附带的备忘录上. Do not send separate memos to departments. If corrections need to be made to your 原始的设备使用请求,通过设备使用办公室进行修改 (see 以上九州体育平台入口). Corrections to the original form cannot be made with 不到一个星期的通知.
    • Cancellations need to be made at least three days prior to 事件s. 如果取消 不是在活动前三天完成的,您将收取设置费用为基础 on the costs required for set‐up and dismantle.
  • 邀请客人/供应商的内部区域活动:如果活动是内部的 邀请多个供应商的活动(例如,招聘会、科学博览会、健康博览会) 公平,或其他事件)相互持有无害的协议,由每个供应商,组织 并附上列出所有供应商的封面,并提交给设施办公室,地址为 至少在活动前30天提交给地区商务服务部 办公室.
  • 演讲者:如果活动包括外部演讲者,并且演讲者是有偿的, 演出演讲者协议必须填写并提交给商务服务部 办公室 (reference the contract check list). If the speaker is not being paid and the public is invited, a mutual hold harmless from the speaker 是必需的. 注意:这个 provision does not include guest speakers in the classroom. Classroom speaker arrangements are directed by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4320.
  • 校内准备的食物:如果准备在校内出售或分发食物, 处理食品的人员必须持有县食品工人证书,除非 the food items are pre‐packaged (i.e.、薯片、罐装汽水). 认证证明 must be submitted with the completed On‐Campus 设施使用 form. 如果食物准备好了 在校园是出售给非校园社区,一个健康的圣贝纳迪诺县 需要许可证.
  • 如果该活动与校园活动相关,则该活动的董事会批准日期 是必需的. (Note: 的 事件 must be approved by the board prior to any facility 授权使用. 的se processes will usually require three months prior to the 事件 to get all approvals completed.)
  • 请将所有必需的文件和信息发送到相应的设施使用处 办公室. 他们将审查所有文件的完整性,并转发任何所需的文件 to the Business Services 办公室 for signature. (任何设施使用的表格缺少上述任何信息,将被退回 without being processed or the facility being reserved)

3. District/Campus Sponsored Events

地区赞助的活动包括学生社团活动、会议、展览会、活动、 athletic competitions or camps, or other 事件s. 的se may be college‐lead 事件s 包括邀请的供应商/演讲者/嘉宾或由外部实体指导的活动; 个人、学校或市政当局,校园希望接待很少或没有 直接促进学院使命的外展或关系目的的费用.

  • Complete and submit a Contract Employee Authorization for Sponsored Event Form:

    此表格必须由校园办公室、俱乐部*或赞助学生的员工填写 事件. 的 form must be approved by the responsibility center manager/club sponsor and Administrative Services. In addition, the sponsor must submit a 设施使用 Request by following the process outlined above for internal Campus 事件s. 的 赞助形式 是必需的 prior to the approval of a 设施使用 Request.
    *的 Student Club Sponsor 是必需的 to be present at Club sponsored activities.
  • 大学领导的活动涉及多个供应商/演讲者(例如,招聘会,科学
    fair, health fair, advocacy 事件, etc.) the following documents are required:
    • On‐Campus 设施使用 form submitted by the sponsoring 办公室
    • 至少在活动完成前30天提交给区域商务服务部 包:
      • Cover list of all vendors (No last‐minute add‐ons will be accepted).
      • Mutual hold harmless agreement from each vendor/presenter
      • Certificate of insurance from each vendor/presenter
  • 租赁费用:

    如果举办活动产生了费用,但不收取费用,则须经学校批准 VP of Administrative Services is also required.
  • Mutual Hold Harmless and Certificate of Insurance:

    校园赞助团体、受邀供应商或组织必须提交一份表格 双方签署的互不伤害协议和可接受的保险凭证 the District prior to 事件 (Campus Clubs excepted). For minor participants, parental 许可和免除责任是必需的(父母许可的证明可能 be held by the organization using the facility).

4. Free Speech Events/Demonstrations

根据规定和要求,言论自由活动和示威是允许的 of Board Policy 3900 and Administrative Procedure 3900.

有关使用地区设施作为公众论坛的资料载于 referenced policy and procedures.


被告知所要求的设施可能需要的可能性很小 use, on short notice, by the College’s instructional program or emergency. 我们将 采取一切合理措施,保证该设施将作为 计划.